Housing and Travel

Housing and Travel

AetherQuest Solutions, Inc. will manage your attendees' housing and air travel requests. From vetting, negotiating, and securing a contract for a property, to negotiating air and ground travel discounts for attendees, we can make sure your housing and air travel needs are appropriate for your event and budget. For your event's housing and travel needs, AQS can:

  • Coordinate properties, rates, and additional features for hotels connected to the event.
  • Manage your room block by monitoring pick-up rates, concession assignments, and rooming lists.
  • Help forecast your event's current room block needs based on historical show data.
  • Negotiate airline and ground transportation discounts for attendees.
  • Arrange special entertainment offers for attendees and guests at the destination.
  • Communicate destination information to your participants.
  • Oversee the post-event room audit (dependent on the venue contract clauses).

Click here to learn about the benefits of using AetherQuest Solutions, Inc.'s Event Management Software to manage your Attendee Housing and Travel.

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